State Minister Zaheed Farooque stressed the importance of international cooperation to advance the UN water action agenda

State Minister Zaheed Farooque stressed the importance of international cooperation to advance the UN water action agenda
“Water management cooperation extends crucial supports to the achievement of all sustainable development goals-from addressing water scarcity, building sound economies to global peace and security”-State Minister for Water Resources Zaheed Farooque said today while speaking at the interactive dialogue-4 of the UN Water Conference held at the United Nations Headquarters.In his remarks, State Minister said that Bangladesh has 57 transboundary rivers with our neighboring countries and Bangladesh has been working on water cooperation with the co-riparian countries to manage and share the waters of common rivers. Knowledge sharing and technical cooperation are also critical elements for sustainable water management, he further added.State Minister Farooque also urged the international community to enhance their partnership on water management in realizing sustainable development goal 6 and focus more on water diplomacy in preventing conflict and crisis.The interactive dialogue was co-chaired by Serigne Mbaye Thiam, Minister of Water and Sanitation of Senegal and Christian Frutiger, State Secretary, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Confederation. A significant number of Ministers from other UN Member countries also spoke at this important interactive dialogue.State Minister Zaheed Farooque paid an official visit to New York to attend the 2023 UN Water Conference. The Conference was held from 22 to 24 March 2023 at the United Nations Headquarters.***