Article: 09. Qualifications and rules for obtaining membership of the Foundation:-
* Must be a citizen of Bangladesh by birth.
* Must agree to pay the prescribed admission fee, monthly subscription and other subscriptions prescribed by the Executive Council of the Foundation and must be at least 18 (eighteen) years of age.
* Must be motivated to do charitable work and must follow the organizational structure of the organization.
* Must be of sound mind. A person who is mentally ill or bankrupt will not be given membership.
* Membership will be granted by the decision of the Executive Council.
* Must be approved by the Executive Committee and later approved by the General Meeting.
* To obtain membership, the candidate must attach 01 (one) copy of a recently taken passport size photograph, (01) copy of the National Identity Card/Birth Registration Certificate to the membership form and apply to the President in the prescribed application form of the Foundation.

Article: 10. Category of membership of the Foundation:-

There will be 04 (four) types of membership in this organization.
(01) Founding Member
(02) General Member
(03) Life Member
(04) Patronage Member.

(01) Founding Member:-
In order to commemorate the contribution of the founders of the “Humanity Foundation”, the Executive Council will take measures to hang their names, titles and pictures on the wall of the Foundation office. As required, the founders will be informed about any meeting, seminar, project acceptance and implementation, etc. and the activities will be implemented after taking their opinions.

(02) General Member:-
Any person from the area and any part of the country who is motivated to work for the welfare of this organization and who follows the organizational structure and pays regular monthly and other subscriptions and applies in the prescribed form will be considered as a general member by the decision of the Executive Council. General member admission form fee and monthly subscription will have to be paid. Admission fee and subscription rate can be reduced/increased by the decision of the Executive Council.

(03) Life Member:-
Any person who is eligible for general membership can apply for life membership on the Foundation’s own form by paying a one-time fee of 10,000/- (ten thousand) taka for the development of the Foundation. However, the application form must be approved by the Executive Council. Life member will have voting rights or election opportunities like general members. Life member will be invited to any function or meeting of the Foundation and will be honored with due respect.

(04) Sponsorship Member:-
A person well-known for social service work or a person interested in social service will be included as a patron member with the approval of the General Council. Patron members will not have voting rights and they will not have to pay monthly subscription. They can advise and financially support the Executive Council in various activities.

Article: 11. Temporary suspension/cancellation of the membership of the Foundation:-
1. If any member does not pay the monthly subscription for more than 06 (six) months in a row.
2. If he is absent from 04 (four) consecutive general meetings without proper reason or prior permission.
3. If he is involved in activities contrary to the interests of the Foundation, if he is involved in illegal activities or if the allegations of being there are proven.
4. If any member dies or voluntarily resigns.
5. If he is bankrupt or sentenced by the court and the term of the sentence has exceeded at least two years.
6. If the resignation is submitted and the resignation is approved in the Executive Council meeting.
(Before cancelling the membership for any reason, the General Secretary shall give a notice of 07 (seven) days. If the notice is not responded to or the response is not satisfactory, the Executive Council shall decide and give a final notice again within 07 (seven) days. If the final notice is not responded to or the response is not satisfactory, the Executive Council may cancel the membership by making a decision.)

Article: 12. Filling up of vacancies and reinstatement of membership in the Foundation:-
(a) Filling up of vacancies: If any membership position of the Executive Council/General Council/Advisory Council becomes vacant, the vacant position shall be filled by the decision of the Executive Council.

(b) Reinstatement of membership: If a member whose membership has been cancelled wishes to regain membership, he/she shall apply in writing to the President, stating that he/she will pay all outstanding subscriptions of the organization and undertake not to commit any further offenses in the future. If the application is accepted at the meeting of the Executive Council, he/she may regain membership.

Section: 13. Organizational Structure of the Foundation:-
There shall be 03 (three) councils for the overall management of the activities of this Foundation-
(1) General Council.
(2) Executive Council.
(3) Advisory Council.

(a) Formation, Responsibilities and Powers of the General Council:-
The General Council shall be formed by the founding members, general members and life members of the “Humanity Foundation”. The minimum number of members of the General Council shall be 21 (twenty-one), however, the number of members may be increased if the need arises. The Executive Council shall present a report on all activities at the General Council meeting. At least one meeting shall be held annually. The General Council shall review and evaluate the income and expenditure accounts of the Foundation, the progress and deterioration of the work. It shall review the overall affairs of the Foundation including the adoption of new projects, budget approval and take decisions on any important steps including changes, enlargements, additions, reductions and amendments to the Constitution. It shall decide on the purchase and transfer of the Foundation’s property. The General Council shall form the Executive Council and the members of the General Council may contest for any position.

(b) Responsibilities and Powers of the Executive Council:-
The Executive Council of the “Humanity Foundation” shall be formed by 07 (seven) members. The members of the Executive Council shall be elected on the basis of election by the members of the General Assembly. The term of the Executive Council shall be 03 (three) years. At least 04 (four) meetings shall be held in a year. If the Executive Council fails to take any decision, it shall seek the opinion and advice of the General Assembly. The Executive Council shall be responsible for managing the day-to-day activities, financial enrichment of the organization, taking administrative measures, taking action against any member for acts against the constitution, organizing training, preserving documents, accepting projects, implementing them and determining the powers of all activities.

(c) Advisory Council:-
The Advisory Council of the “Humanity Foundation” shall consist of 03 (three) persons. One of them shall be considered as the Chief Advisor and they shall be nominated by the General Assembly. The Advisory Council shall be formed by senior members of the organization/donors/local/respected persons who are experienced in running the organization and who aspire to the organization.

Article: 14. Structure of the Executive Council of the Foundation:-
The Executive Council of the “Humanity Foundation” will consist of 07 (seven) members. The term of the Executive Council will be 05 (five) years. The Executive Council will be formed by the members of the General Assembly and must be approved by the Registration Authority in the prescribed manner. The newly formed Council will automatically assume power the day after the expiration of the term of the previous Council. If for any reason the formation of the Executive Council is delayed, the Registration Authority will appoint an administrator or form a supervisory council consisting of not more than 3 (three) members to form the Executive Council.

The organizational structure of the Executive Council is as follows:-
01. President: 01 person.
02. Vice-President: 01 person.
03. General Secretary: 01 person.
04. Organizing Secretary: 01 person.
05. Treasurer: 01 person.
06. Office Secretary: 01 person.
07. Executive Member: 01 person.